Developer Training
Developer Lunch-and-Learns
Yale ITS believes that learning accessibility and front-end best practices should be an ongoing, permanent process of training and skills development. To support developers’ continuing education, the Digital Accessibility Team is hosting monthly brown-bags where developers can bring their lunches and learn something about accessibility that they can begin implementing right away.
All trainings will occur via Zoom.
- Tuesday, April 9, 2024, from 12:00 – 1:15 PM: Tentative: Developers Lunch-and-Learn: Accessibility in 2024: Trends and Future Guidelines. Please register for this training in Workday Learning. You can access the Zoom link from there.
Trainings from 2024 include:
- February 20: AI and Accessibility
Trainings from 2023 include:
- October 24: How to Build an Accessible Search Experience
- August 29: Inclusive Design
- May 18: Global Accessibility Awareness Day Celebration
- April 25: Siteimprove Accessibility Module
- March 28: Testing for Accessibility Part II
Trainings from 2022 include:
- November 15: Building Accessible Form Widgets PowerPoint Slides
- September 20: HTML Roles In-Depth
- July 19: How Assistive Technology is Used
- May 17: Global Accessibility Awareness Day Prelude
- March 22: Keyboard Accessibility
- January 18: Accessible Fonts and Typefaces
Trainings from 2021 include:
- November 16: Accessible Video, Sound, and Animations
- September 21: Accessible Dashboards
- June 8: Siteimprove’s Accessibility Module, NextGen
- May 20: GAAD Celebration
- March 16: Mobile Accessibility
- February 16: Accessible Forms
- January 12: Accessible Layouts
Trainings from 2020 include:
- May 20: Global Accessibility Awareness Day Celebration and Contest
- December 8: ARIA 101
- November 10: Accessibility Design, Annotation, and Tools
- October 13: Testing for Accessibility (Video Recording) PowerPoint slides
- September 15: WCAG 2.2: What You Need to Know (Video Recording)
- August 18: How to Make your Single Page App (SPA) Accessible (Video Recording)
- July 7: 404 Not Found: Error Messaging and Accessibility (Video Recording)
- June 2: Semantic HTML: Is it a Button or a Link (Video Recording)
- May 5: Global Accessibility Awareness Day Challenge for Site Owners! (Video Recording)
- April 7: Color for the Web (Video Recording)
- March 3: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) using Gitlab Pipelines
- January 14: Using Bootstrap to Make Accessible Front-Ends (Video Recording)
Trainings from 2019 include:
- July 10: Screen Reader Testing with Voiceover
- August 23: Screen Reader Testing with NVDA
- September 25: Accessible Forms 1 (Video Recording for Accessible Forms 1)
- October 22: Accessible Forms 2
- November 22: Fixing the easy problems first: auto scanners
Trainings from 2018 include:
- April 2: A gentle introduction to accessibility
- May 15: Headings and Landmarks
- June 12: Keyboard Operability
- July 17: Semantics: Links & Buttons
- August 14: Semantics: Images & Tables
- September 18: Accessible Forms 1 (Video Recording for Accessible Forms 1)
- October 16: Accessibility Forms 2 (Video Recording for Accessible Forms 2)
- November 8: Introduction to Interactions (Video Recording for Introductions to Interactions)
- December 17: Complex Interactions and Status Updates (Video Recording for Complex Interactions and Status Updates)
Demo Files for the brown bags are available on, requires CAS
Online Training and Resources
We recommend the following training resources for developers:
Free and paid trainings are also available. The following are a sample of reputable online trainings:
- Deque University offers online, self paced learning available for purchase.
- Udacity offers a free developer-centric accessibility course.
- Teach Access offers a brief, code- and design-centric view of accessibility, with interactive exercises.
- The Web Accessibility Initiative offers online tutorials for basic concepts aimed at developers.
- The W3C’s ARIA authoring practices document offers demonstrations of most development patterns developers should know.
- WebAIM offers in depth explanation of accessibility issues and on-site training for a fee.
- Mozilla’s Accessibility tutorials are comprehensive and in depth for developers
- LinkedIn Learning Course: Accessibility for Web Design by Derek Featherstone
- LinkedIn Learning Course: UX Foundations: Accessibility by Derek Featherstone